

( "nee-nah sun-er" | /ˈninasʌnər/ )
they/them  ★  22  ★  🇪🇸 🇧🇴  ★  junior web dev
your mom sexy i sexed her epic robux

Welcome to my mess of a site

Heya! Welcome to my site!

This is the place where I plan to share and post stuff I come across while sailing the internet, along with any projects I might work in. If you find something that might interest me don’t hesitate to message me! 💜

This site was coded by hand using Jekyll, and it’s mobile-friendly! It’s a WIP, so please message me if something is wrong or if you have a suggestion ^^

88x31 button with the flag of Palestine and the text 'Stand with Palestine'

Status & updates

14/05/2024 🛠 Pushed all the changes I have been forgetting to for the last three weeks bruh. Adjusted font size to be in rem instead of pixels for bette...

To do

The first rule of Fight Club is to have fun and be yourself :)

I Choose You Pokémon clique

Page settings

Note: you'll need to reload the page for the GIFs settings to apply
Note 2: some of the fonts only work on Windows